November, 2006




and Childbirth


You will learn:
How to treat yourself during pregnancy and childbirth with homeopathic remedies, including:

·     morning sickness

·     nausea and vomiting

·     personality changes

·     irritability

·     aversion to the smell of food

·     threatened abortion

·     incorrect position of baby

·     delivery problems


at Medico Resort

Saturday 3 March 2007

from 10:30 am – 2:00 pm


Click here to reserve a seat at a reduced price



Homeopathic Remedies


You will learn:

·     How to treat household problems such as burns, injuries from falls, sports injuries, hangovers, colds, flu, insect stings, teething pains, pinched fingers, puncture wounds, and more.

·     How to handle travel problems such as fear of flying, travel sickness, food poisoning, altitude sickness, prophylactic remedies against cholera, polio, malaria, rabies, tetanus, typhoid, hangovers, food excesses, diarrhoea. 

·     About homeopathic vaccination.

·     What remedies to have available at home and which to take along on trips. Practical diagnostic exercises.

·     How to treat bird flu based on symptoms told by survivors.


at Medico Resort

Saturday 3 February 2007

from 10:30 am – 2:00 pm


Click here to reserve a seat at a reduced price









·       Electrosmog


·       Vaccination


·       Geopathology


·       Miasms


·       Pregnancy







Medico Resort, Estepona


·       urgency remedy workshop

·       pregnancy remedy workshop

·       sports injury workshop

·       1 year diploma course

·       3 year diploma course

·       1 year vet course

·       summer school


For further information call

952 89 64 24 – 652 555 993

or select the program

that suits you on:












Estepona Centre


Estepona Medico Resort












Cancer Support Centre

is being established at the Medico Resort, Estepona

It offers:


·       helpline

·       natural supportive therapy

·       self-help starter pack

·       residential courses

·       lectures & workshops


For further information call

952 80 86 56





















80-hour apprentice course in homeopathy


New classes starting every month in Estepona and Gibraltar




by Ken Oftedal, BSc, MDSKH


Homeopathy can be of great value in bringing healthy children. into the world. This could already begin with treatment of the parents (your husband and yourself) prior to conception. Children of homeopathically treated parents have been found to be less ill and less influenced by heredity, i.e. illness predispositions passed on down the family tree.


As a child born of such parents grows up they can be very impressed with how few problems they have with their latest child, while their other children went from one illness to another.


On the other hand, you might be infertile or have spontaneous abortions. This can be due to a number of causes, but often a well-chosen homeopathic remedy will resolve such problems.


During pregnancy you might experience an extensive variety of conditions you would much rather be without, all of which a few chemical-free homeopathic pills can resolve. Such conditions commonly include nausea and vomiting, morning sickness, personality changes, irritability, sleepiness and depression.


Other symptoms that could come your way are vertigo, breast pains, disgust for your husband, aversion to sex, aversion to the sight and smell of food, hot-temperedness, heartburn, shortness of breath, bladder inflammation, involuntary or frequent urination, bleeding gums, cramps, and anxiety something bad will happen to your family. Quite a package.


To top it all off, there could also be a lack of foetal growth, diarrhoea, weepiness, cold body parts, great salivation, herpes, hypersensitivity to noise, painful varices, and vaginal itching.


Wouldn't it be nice not to be sick during pregnancy?


For your information, the most important symptoms during pregnancy that should be treated homeopathically are:


·       Any emotional changes

·       Changes in your temperature sensitivity (becoming warm-blooded or chilly)

·       Personality changes

·       Changes in thirst

·       Changes in your food desires or aversions


Doing so will optimize conditions for your coming child and prevent future health problems.


If there should be an impending miscarriage, such as after an injury or emotional shock, there are a number of homeopathic remedies that can be employed to prevent this, of course, in cooperation with your doctor. If you have a tendency to spontaneous abortions, have it treated homeopathically and you will usually not experience any problems in this regard.


Should you be very anxious, hysterical or sleepy prior to delivery it can be alleviated quickly with remedies you can have at hand. If your baby is in the wrong position it can very often be righted after one dose of Pulsatilla.


Cimicifuga is a homeopathic remedy that promotes rapid dilation of the cervix during delivery. Likewise, if your contractions are not strong enough or should stop, the remedy Caulophyllum will be of great use if your cervix is sufficiently dilated. Other conditions you might experience during delivery, such as sleepiness, vomiting, back pain, and cramps, can also be treated.


Should you have problems after delivery such as depression, aversion to your baby (which happens to many women), bleeding, retained placenta, inflammation, swelling and varices they can also be treated.


As vaccination is increasingly being linked to childhood allergies and future chronic disease, an alternative vaccination programme has been developed in which homeopathic remedies are given at certain intervals over several years. It is based on a research programme conducted in Australia over 15 years with 500 families. A preventive effectiveness of 89% is reported.


Later, as you already know or will discover, breast-feeding problems and childhood complaints, such as teething pains, respiratory infections and allergies, very often come on the agenda, all of which are perfectly amenable to treatment with homeopathy. With a little training you can treat such conditions yourself.


UK-produced homeopathic remedy kits for pregnant women and home remedy kits for families are available.  A call to your homeopath, or you yourself with the aid of the instructions included in such kits, can often rapidly resolve your or your child’s problem as you have the appropriate remedy at hand.


Thus, from pre-conception and on through childhood, your child can be assured a naturally healthy constitution, which will be passed on to your grandchildren.  That is certainly a gift worth giving, isn't it.


You can learn to deal with a number of problems that arise in the home such as injuries from falls, cuts, abrasions, pinched fingers, hangovers, flu, teething problems sports injuries and other problems by attending a short course in the use of domestic remedies. 


Further information regarding homeopathic treatment and courses can be obtained and appointments made by calling 41733 in Gibraltar, 952 89 64 24 or 652 555 993 in Spain, or sending an e-mail from www.homeopathy.euni.org, or to patients@euni.org.




Bellis Perennis (bell-p)
Causation: Injuries. Effects of cold drinks when overheated. Getting wet when overheated.


Case 1

A young boy about three years old fell into a swimming pool. He was pulled out at once but his screaming could be heard far away.


He was given Bellis 30C by a homeopath and he quietened down immediately.


The mother who was upset at the child's minder for letting it happen was given Arnica 30C, which soothed her quickly as well.


Case 2

A man, aged 40, worked hard one day in his garden in the Spring. The next day his elbow joint was sore and his arm muscles were stiff.


He was given Bellis 30C, which brought him back to normal.


Case 3

A woman, aged 30, fell on her behind quite heavily. She was very sore and stiff in the pelvic region the next day.


She was given Bellis 30C and improved rapidly.




Bellis Perennis (Common Daisy) (bell-p)


Bellis reduces the adverse effects of lengthy sitting during long trips and, especially, those of falls on one’s behind.


It is good for healing deep tissue when sore or bruised. It reaches deeper than Arnica and is thus often given after (even years after) Arnica in injuries and sprains.


It It is used for ailments from getting chilled when over-heated, e.g. eating ice-cream on a hot day.


It will resolve pains and aches after hard physical work (with perspiration and cold drinks), such as gardening or field work, or after sports one has not practiced for some time.


Bellis has an affinity for blood vessels, capillaries, nerves, the spleen, female organs and joints. It is very useful in pelvic area soreness after childbirth.


In Spain you can obtain Bellis Perennis from any pharmacy, which is the only place to obtain homeopathic remedies in this country. Otherwise it can be obtained by mail from Helios or Ainsworths in the UK, links to which can be found on www.homeopathy.euni.org.









You will learn:
How to deal with emotional trauma using homeopathic remedies, including:

·     grief after the death of a loved one

·     trauma from a broken relationship

·     after-effects of abuse and rape

·     trauma due to violence

·     problems after accidents

·     trauma connected with divorce


at Medico Resort

Saturday 20 January 2007

from 10:30 am – 2:00 pm


Click here to reserve a seat at a reduced price



Stay Young and Healthy Workshop


You will learn how a few simple daily exercises can help you to:

·       Develop and maintain a young appearance

·       Achieve physical well being

·       Raise your general level of health

·       Build energy reserves to deal with unexpected efforts

·       Improve the agility of your body

at Medico Resort

Sunday 21 January 2007

from 11 am – 2:00 pm


Click here to reserve a seat at a reduced price




You will learn:
About the subject of vaccination and how to use homeopathic remedies to protect yourself and your family from disease, including:

·     homeopathic vaccination for children

·     prevention while staying in disease-ridden regions

·     homeopathic vaccination in epidemics, such as bird flu


at Medico Resort

Saturday 17 March 2007

from 10:30 am – 2:00 pm


Click here to reserve a seat at a reduced price




Click here for on-line courses.






The Clinics Offer:


·       Pregnancy


·       Allergies


·       Homeopathic vaccination


·       Travel kits


·       Traumas and emotional disorders


·       Fears and phobias


·       Depression


·       Infertility


·       Cancer, under supervision of a doctor


·       HIV/AIDS


·       Alzheimer's and Parkinson's



Make your appointment by clicking here:




or calling: 952 80 87 88


















The Natural Fertility Clinic

(Estepona – Gibraltar)


·       homeopathy

·       acupuncture

·       nutrition

·       residential stays

·       romantic weekends

·       counselling

·       Dr. Jonas fertility charts


Treatment of physical and emotional blocks that impede conception in conjunction with Dr. Jonas fertility charts.


For further information call:

952 80 87 88












Ask your health questions on the Web Clinic
Saturdays from 2-3 pm



Click to join


Photos: www.freefoto.com




If you become ill, you may find a homeopathic remedy for your acute illness.


Click to make a search





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Best regards, Ken Oftedal, Principal ISCH (Iberian School of Classical Homeopathy)





Clinics Estepona – 952 89 64 24 – 952 80 87 88 – 652 555 993 – Gibraltar – 41733




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