Vaccination - References

  1. Coulter, Harris and Fisher, Barbara: A Shot in the Dark, Warner Books, New York, 1991.

  2. Dr. Harris L Coulter, Vaccination, Social Violence & Criminality, North Atlantic Books, 1990.

  3. Dr. Archie Kalokerinos, Every Second Child, Thomas Nelson, Melbourne, 1974.

  4. Sir Graham Wilson, The Hazards of Immunization. The Athlone Press, London, 1967.

  5. M Odent et al, Pertussis Vaccination and Asthma: Is there a Link? British Medical Journal 1994, vol 272, pages 592-3.

  6. Isaac Golden, Vaccination? A Review of Risks and Alternatives.

  7. Ehrengut: Neurologische Komplikationen nach Schutzimpfungen, Socialpädiatrie 7, p. 468-70, 1987.

  8. Halpern, S.R. and Halpern, D.: Reactions from DTP Immunization and Its Relationship to Allergic Children, Journal of Pediatrics 47, p. 60-67, 1955.

  9. König, E.: Zur Pertussisimpfung und ihre Gegenindikationen, Helvetica Pedriatica Acta 8, p. 90-98, 1953.